In Deeper

A follow up post to "Let's Get Mental"
I took this game day shot just down the block. Lots of this kind of thing around town.
The Broncos lost 34-17 to the Steelers today in the AFC title game.
Andrew and I played basketball together at a local rec center during the game and then caught the last quarter with a bunch of guys in the rec center tv room. Better a doer than a watcher be, I guess.
Some of the guys in the room were upset and disappointed with the game. Some were philosophical. Two of 'em were glad to see the Broncos lose because they grew up in Denver and think the whole pro football thing here is silly.
I listened to some local radio stations after the game to see how fans felt about the loss.
I love living here and I've tried to jump in with both feet, but sometimes I still feel like a sociologist sympathetically examining an unexpectedly different culture.
People spoke about the loss as if it really meant something to them personally. I liked a lot of what they said because it so obviously came from the heart. Very few people got into blaming players on the Broncos who didn't play well. I was pretty surprised by that.
The "wrap-up" show guy on the main Broncos radio station listened for a couple of hours to every kind of call and he did a nice job helping people get some perspective. Every ten minutes or so he would play Bobby McFerrin's "Don't Worry Be Happy."
After watching that last quarter with those guys in the rec center and listening to the post-game reactions I think I'll watch the whole game the next time the Broncos get into the playoffs. Maybe it's time to jump in even deeper.
"sometimes I still feel like a sociologist sympathetically examining an unexpectedly different culture"
When I moved to LA in '95 I wasn't in a position to be doing any sympathetic sociological examining, but I sure did run full force into the "UNEXPECTEDLY different culture" phenomenon. So strange (and to me back then, so shocking) to experience culture shock in your own country.
ah - that's nice that it turned out that way.
I think the last time I cried over a sporting event was at 10 when the Rams lost to the then Baltimore Colts in the NFC title game, though I've almost cried a couple of times after forking over serious bucks for tickets.
And yes, Jen, it's suprising how much regional diversity exists in the US, though I think that's kind of cool. I was exposed to that early having grown up in NoCal and then spending junior high and high school in LA and seeing how different they were from each other.
Way to go deeper into the community. I remember during the Laker run we lived in South Central. As an witness, it was the best time ever. The gang bangers on the street were so open and happy from the games, it was cake getting them into our gigs.
But after we lost to Detroit, that night we went to Blockbuster and everyone wanted to fight. It was scary cruising LA.
I hope all is peaceful in Denver and they don't hate TOO MUCH on Jake. He has big shoes to fill in Elway.
By the way, what is up with quarterbacks going for the Grizzly Adams look these days? What happened to the Staubach, Montana and Bradshaw look?
Ya, I feel so bad for Jake. He's played so well all year and to have it go so badly is just a shame. He'll be remembered for this game and not for the other 17 games when he played great.
Poor Denver. The city was buzzing with a shared passion and that was not a bad thing. It opens up conversations and brings out the most ghastly orange clothes to laugh about. It felt like black Monday around Denver and everyone was somewhat deflated, but they still love their team. For many fans the worst part is waiting until next fall. I'm not a fan, but I truly felt bad for those who are.
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