Basic Hoop

I read the other day that Cal Tech just lost its 190th straight NCAA basketball game. But the players there keep playing and the die hard fans keep coming out. If you think about that for a second or two you've gotta give honor where honor is due.
A reporter interviewed one of the CT players after yet another historic loss. The player--no doubt using advanced statistical analysis--explained that while victory for any Cal Tech team was highly unlikely, a statistically appreciable chance exists for a win sometime in the first half of the 21st century :^)
A story and an interview like that could only happen in college athletics. A welcome relief from the professional sports scene.

Andrew and I got a chance to see the Denver University Pioneers and the Western Kentucky Hilltoppers last night.
We saw Stanford play DU last year in a nail biter and the place was packed. So we thought we’d come back for seconds.
Only a couple of thousand folks showed up this time. DU is a .500 team and college hoops hasn’t caught on here yet.
But the folks who did turn out were raucous. A few thousand people can make a lot of noise when committed.
DU center Yemi Nicholson missed a coupla tips at the buzzer and WK won 71-70. Very exciting. We’ll definitely come back for thirds.

What a cutie! :)
I love the quote from the CalTech player. I also admire athletes who play a game even when they always lose.I don't think many people believe that playing sports isn't about winning, even though you continue to hear that said to every young athlete. It is usually said to the losing team as a consolation to make them feel better, but the culture of sports as portrayed by the professional teams now seems to be all about winning. Those lessons of character and sportsmanship are growing fainter. After watching youth sports as a parent for years I find that playing sports is so much more than winning for a kid. It is friends bonding together and having a great time belonging to something. I think the Cal Tech team doesn't win, but I would guess that they have a good time together. The fans must pick up on that and have a great time going to the games and being part of the team. I think professional sports needs many more "welcome reliefs" for us to find refuge in, so keep us posted on other teams that make us want to watch them.
I also agree wish 3wishes. What a cutie.
"After watching youth sports as a parent for years I find that playing sports is so much more than winning for a kid. It is friends bonding together and having a great time belonging to something."
Yes. Even the most committed social darwinists seem to have your take when it comes to their own kids. Makes you wonder.
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