Sunday, March 12, 2006

The Incredible Shrinking President

This is getting too easy. I'm actually starting to feel sorry for the poor guy.


Blogger Wordcat said...

It's actually sort of sad for the country because he became a lame duck president in the first year of his second term--that really is a first in history as far as I know. The latest CBS poll has him at 34% and Gallup at 36%. If you know anything about the way various voting blocks break down in the country, it really means he's lost all his support outside the religiously conservative south and culturally conservative midwest. Those two groups would approve a Republican, conservative president under almost any circumstances, so it really means most all Americans who are open to reason and experience no longer have confidence in Bush.

He's ruled by polarization and divisiveness. The chickens do eventually come home to roost.

4:59 PM  

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